Digital Contracts & ID Seminar

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Digital Contracts & ID Seminar
Discovery Labs
Digital Contracts & ID Seminar

NAU21 attended the AFIP’s Digital Contracts & ID Seminar to introduce SIS (Smart Insurance System), a platform designed to implement smart contracts on day-to-day insurance processes. Currently focused to be used at claim reports and policy underwritings, we want to expand the platform’s applicability to every insurance process.

In short, the idea of NAU21 is to bring into a distributed system all the entities that have an interest in the execution of a process and make them access and respond to the requests in real time. With this type of automation, besides the speed and efficiency of the process, we will also provide greater security in information sharing and accessibility only to those who really need to access it. The platform thus maximises the effectiveness of an insurer, substantially reduces the risk of fraud and improves the predictive capacity of claims.

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