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Blockchain: a new era
The insurance industry is known to be traditionally bureaucratic and slow to adopt new technologies as it involves complex manual processes and many intermediaries. This industry has been systematically investing in adopting and redesigning its IT systems, making them increasingly faster, more robust, but keeping business processes unchanged. However, blockchain technology, particularly smart contracts, have the potential to transform this industry, bringing greater efficiency, transparency, and security to customers. Smart contracts are computer programs that [...]
Digital Contracts & ID Seminar
Discovery Labs
NAU21 attended the AFIP’s Digital Contracts & ID Seminar to introduce SIS (Smart Insurance System), a platform designed to implement smart contracts on day-to-day insurance processes. Currently focused to be used at claim reports and policy underwritings, we want to expand the platform's applicability to every insurance process. In short, the idea of NAU21 is to bring into a distributed system all the entities that have an interest in the execution of a process and [...]
Blockchain benefits for the insurance industry
Blockchain is here to stay, and the insurance industry can certainly profit from its ready-to-disrupt-the-insurance-market revolutionary approach. Using Blockchain will fasten verifiable data exchanges and ease data reconciliation in a transparent network, visible for all parties involved. All operations gave a single source of truth, which increases data accuracy and leads to efficiency gains, as well as to cost, and fraud reductions. Blockchain technology can significantly improve insurance operations, reducing its resolution time and simplifying [...]
Sailing towards success
Discovery Labs
Closing up 2020 the best way possible, NAU21 entered the Annual Listing of 10 companies that are at the forefront of providing Insurtech consulting/services and impacting the industry in Europe. This distinction was recognised by the Insurance CIO Outlook, as it became familiar with our focus on blockchain technology, machine learning and artificial intelligent. By bringing these innovative technologies to the insurance market, the optimisation of insurance processes is undeniable, favouring automatic negotiations and providing [...]
Semana del Seguro ’20
'Work to become, not to acquire.' Elbert Hubbard Our main goal is to simplify business models right from the beginning. At the same time, we also aim to offer innovative solutions able to overcome challenges insurance companies usually face. As a result, we decided to be present at Semana del Seguro, in Madrid. During our visit, we met multiple experts and attended several seminars dedicated to breakthrough technologies. These disruptive technologies will upgrade outdated workflows, which are still [...]
The technology which brings trust to the digital world
The development of innovative IT solutions strengthens the exploration of disruptive business models.  Nau21 is working to become a key player in the discovery of revolutionary solutions applied to financial services. These solutions are mainly targeted for the insurance and reinsurance markets. Technologies such as blockchain and smart contracts end up bringing a myriad of benefits to these markets. All because their digital presence is transparent, accessible and immutable. In the complexed insurance world, these [...]